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Roof repair and restoration

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Roof repair and restoration

In Quebec City and throughout the greater National Capital Area, our team offers repair and restoration services for asphalt shingle roofs (residential or commercial).

We will often say that houses have a soul, and that a new house, just like a human being, will begin to age from the very first day, even if it is difficult for the eye to detect any changes.

According to the Association des maîtres couvreurs du Québec, the life span of a roof is a minimum of 20 years, depending on the quality of the materials and the type of covering. Sometimes you will find that a roof can remain fully functional, but it requires improvements more or less with the aesthetic aspect - hence the importance of repairs or restoration.

Finally, considering the climate that prevails in the Quebec City area, as well as in the neighbouring towns of Lévis and Sainte-Foy, and faced with our sometimes unforgiving winters, the longevity of a roof can vary. This is where the certified roofers from Toiture de la Capitale come in, a company that’s recommended by CAA-Quebec.

Roof repair Quebec

Act quickly

Beyond seasonal inspections, it is wise to have your roof examined by a professional at regular intervals. It is also imperative to proceed with repair or restoration work as soon as a problem seems to be growing. Because, a small crack today will become large one tomorrow...and water infiltration could quickly turn into an unpleasant mess.

You are also able to see if your roof needs attention. On the outside, deterioration of the tiles or shingles is easy to see. On the inside, traces of moisture or even mould are definite warning signs too. That's why it's important to take great care of your roof by carrying out repairs or restoration work from time to time.

Our asphalt shingle reparation and restoration services are offered at competitive prices. Contact us for a free estimate.

Roof repair Lévis

Maintaining its value

It is important to understand that if you wait too long, it will result in an exorbitant expense if the entire roof has to be redone, not to mention the potential damage that can be done. A concerned homeowner will prefer to make a one-time investment in repairs and upgrades before it's too late.

If you were to unexpectedly put your home up for sale, your property will have retained its full value if you have acted in time. Roof repair and restoration work guarantees a return on investment of at least 80%.

Free quote & financing

Contact TOITURE DE LA CAPITALE now for a free quote. We offer a financing program that will free you from any monetary worries.

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